

Dream Vocation

Get Off the Train!!

Nowadays the bullet train that is life seems to start from the day you enter high school, if not before. It goes 100mph and there doesn’t appear to be any stops. Your parents, coaches, teachers and every other person tell…

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Kicking Ass

Quitters Do Prosper

“Too legit to quit” – MC Hammer When I was a kid my parents said, “If you start something, you don’t quit. You stick it out.” Over the years I have heard nearly every parent give this same advice. It’s…

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Movie Inspiration

If You Can Take It You Can Make It

The book Ubroken by Laura Hillenbrand is one of the most motivational and inspirational stories I have ever read. It tells the tale of Louis Zamperini, a misfit turned Olympic athlete who served in World War 2. During the war…

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Kicking Ass

Ultimate Accountability

I believe in ultimate accountability in your professional life, which I define as taking responsibility for absolutely everything that happens to you even when it seems completely out of your control. I believe that the amount of money you earn,…

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Kicking Ass

The World’s Greatest Failures

Anyone that has ever stood on the mountaintop of success has also laid in the valley of defeat. Success is not an overnight miracle. It is achieved through hours, months, and years of working at your craft while you drudge…

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Dream Vocation

Asset Allocation of the Job Seeker

Seeking out and eventually landing the job you want is an investment. Like an investment, you use currency (your time, effort, and often your emotional state) in an attempt to generate a return (landing the job you want and your…

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